"The ForestGirls, with the World Always" is available in six languages, including English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Norwegian, and Indonesian (see below)
A story of girls – from around the world – and the trees that they befriend, climb, and plant. As they grow, the children restore forests across Latin America, North America, Asia, Africa, Europe, and Australia.
Beautifully illustrated with original watercolor paintings, this book will inspire young people to make a difference for themselves and our natural world.
A global story of girls who learn about forests and their teachers, the ForestWomen. The book playfully introduces trees from around the world, as well as what wildlife are saying to us, and how we can help care for our natural environment.
It's a lyrical tale with captivating original watercolor illustrations. Readers will gain a sense of nature's connections and opportunities for the future.
A tale of girls who live along the world’s coastlines and share a love for oceans as well as tidal ecosystems. Through marshlands, mangroves, seagrasses, and kelp forests, the book transports the reader around the globe to meet girls as they explore and protect the natural environment.
Richly illustrated, this poetic story will engage both children and adults while offering a new appreciation of our aquatic world.
Español - Paperback - BUY BOOK
Español - Hardcover - BUY BOOK
Una historia sobre niñas del mundo entero y los árboles con los que se amistan, que trepan y que plantan. Conforme van creciendo, las niñas reforestan los bosques de Latinoamérica, Norteamérica, Asia, África, Europa y Australia.
Con bellas ilustraciones originales en acuarela, este libro transmite un mensaje esperanzador para peques capaces de marcar la diferencia para beneficio suyo y de la naturaleza.
Português - Paperback - BUY BOOK
Português - Hardcover - BUY BOOK
Uma história de meninas ao redor do mundo e as árvores com as quais fizeram amizade, subiram e plantaram. Enquanto crescem, as meninas recuperam as florestas por toda a América Latina, América do Norte, África, Europa e Austrália.
Maravilhosamente ilustrado com pinturas originais em aquarela, este livro transmite uma mensagem de esperança, que irá inspirar as crianças a fazer a diferença para si mesmas e para o nosso mundo natur
Français - Paperback - BUY BOOK
Français - Hardcover - BUY BOOK
Une histoire de filles – tout autour du monde – et des arbres avec qui elles se lient d’amitié, dans lesquels elles grimpent, et qu’elles plantent. Au fur et à mesure qu'elles grandissent, les filles restaurent les forêts d'Amérique latine, d'Amérique du Nord, d'Asie, d'Afrique, d'Europe et d'Australie.
Magnifiquement illustré par des peintures originales à l’aquarelle, ce livre offre un message d’espoir.
En historie om jenter – fra hele verden – og trærne som de blir venn med, klatrer og planter. Når de vokser, gjenoppretter barna skoger over hele Latin-Amerika, Nord-Amerika, Asia, Afrika, Europa og Australia.
Denne boken er vakkert illustrert med originale akvarellmalerier, og gir et håpefullt budskap. Det vil inspirere små barn til at de kan gjøre en forskjell for seg selv og vår naturlige verden.
Indonesian - Hardcover - BUY BOOK
Indonesian - Paperback - BUY BOOK
Sebuat cerita tentang anak-anak perempuan, di berbagai penjuru dunia, yang bersahabat dengan pohon, memanjat pohon, dan menanam pohon. Ketika tumbuh dewasa, anak-anak perempuan itu memulihkan hutan di penjuru Amerika Latin, Amerika Utara, Asia, Afrika, Eropa, dan Australia.
Dengan ilustrasi indah berupa lukisan cat air asli, buku ini membawa pesan yang penuh harapan. Buku ini akan menginspirasi anak-anak bahwa mereka bisa membua
A story of girls – from around the world – and the trees that they befriend, climb, and plant. As they grow, the children restore forests across Latin America, North America, Asia, Africa, Europe, and Australia.
Beautifully illustrated with original watercolor paintings, this book will inspire young people to make a difference for themselves and our natural world.
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